Microsoft Dynamics 365 Commerce

Global retail e-commerce sales are growing exponentially. It is estimated to grow by 56% over the next years, reaching about 8.1 trillion dollars by 2026. The widespread availability and affordability of the Internet have enabled more businesses to connect online opening access to a larger customer base for e-commerce businesses.

A breakthrough pathway for SMEs, stepping into the global landscape has opened geopolitical borders for them to grow. Organization-wide ERP solutions like Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central successfully integrate with an eCommerce platform to transform the operations of a business and drive growth.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 is a family of leading ERP and intelligent customer relationship management business applications that empower companies to achieve operational excellence and create more engaging customer experiences. The suite of modular, interconnected Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) services and programs integrate data, business logic, and processes, allowing organizations to:

  • Easily expands into foreign markets
  • Easier-to-find product-market fit
  • Shorter B2B sales cycles
  • Quicker building of international presence
  • Lower barriers to entry

With integrated e-commerce, you can streamline business processes and workflows while improving inventory management and strengthening customer relationships.

Data Segregation- A Core Root Problem

An inherent core problem of all businesses originates from the multidirectional data flows. Data segregation is a disconnected business system that is bound to bring up numerous business challenges among various departments. This entails:

  • Inadequate use of time, personnel, and financial resources
  • Lower order fulfillment rates
  • Inability to cope with high sales loads during peak periods
  • Slow customer support with no visibility into comprehensive customer information
  • Ineffective interdepartmental collaboration
  • Human errors in customer data processing ruin the whole experience
  • Missed opportunities to draw strategic insights from accumulated data
  • Delayed decision-making amidst the need for prompt strategy shifts

Together, these aspects can take a toll on the business resulting in business stagnancy due to the lack of data-powered strategy planning.

What does eCommerce Integration with Dynamics 365 Look Like?

An eCommerce integration with Microsoft Dynamics 365 helps businesses streamline data exchange and automate various processes such as payment processing, inventory tracking, and customer service management.

By integrating D365 with eCommerce platforms like Shopify, Magento, BigCommerce, and WooCommerce, businesses can save time and money while improving their customers’ experience.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Commerce is a dedicated module based on e-commerce capabilities. An omnichannel solution, it unifies back-office, in-store, e-commerce, and call center experiences to personalize customer engagement, increase employee productivity, and optimize store operations.

  • Eliminate the need for manual data entry and maintain precise records of customer, product, order, and shipping details.
  • Ensure consistency in inventory levels and pricing across various systems and provide customers with accurate information from the first interaction.
  • Enhance the customer experience through multiple selling channels, devices, and touchpoints in their purchase journey.
  • Provide helpful customer service by instantly providing order status and information about products, pricing, and stock availability.
  • Improve workplace efficiency and productivity and break down business silos.
  • Respond to market changes quickly, scale with ease, and expand to new locations and business models.

Here is a breakdown of how the capabilities of all the modules of Microsoft Dynamics 365 revolutionize the eCommerce capabilities to exponentially grow your business.

It automates everything.

The workflows, task management, and artificial intelligence features enable business users to work smarter and faster than ever. You can revisit your processes and automate them wherever possible.

It leverages analytics to authentic insights.

After the integration, you can view critical data across your entire retail operation in real-time. With instant and accurate data insights, you can make agile business decisions, and stay a step ahead of the competition.

It improves the customer experience.

With one holistic system, you can enjoy data consistency across all channels. Providing customers with 24/7, real-time self-service capabilities, it expands the personalization capabilities with data-driven features that improve cross- and up-selling. Customers can even access catalogs, prices, and terms that are unique to them.

It optimizes business processes.

Eliminating manual data operation is probably the biggest benefit of Microsoft Dynamics 365 as it takes business process optimization to a whole new level. By displaying customer-specific prices and discounts from D365, and enabling self-service for reorder, returns, and order history, you can eliminate the risk of typing errors or inconsistent data.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Commerce

It drives business growth.

Integrating the eCommerce platform with Microsoft Dynamics 365 makes it easy to manage and operate multiple B2B and B2C stores from one platform. The integration supports multiple languages, currencies, payments, and taxes. You can increase revenue with cross- and up-selling. Additionally, you can prepare your business to scale by saving the manual resources for re-entering data that already exists in one system.

Eliminate the Implementation Speedbumps with Dynamics Solution and Technology

An integrated e-commerce solution is bound to bring a plethora of benefits for businesses. However, the implementation process is prone to numerous roadblocks:

  • Data Migration
  • User Adoption
  • Customization and Configuration
  • Integration with Existing Systems
  • Budget Overruns
  • Inadequate Testing
  • Regulatory Compliance

However, with the expertise of Dynamics Solution and Technology, we assure you of a smooth implementation process. Being Microsoft Gold Partners, we conduct a preliminary analysis of your business and draw a custom plan to ensure your data migrates to the new system without getting jeopardized.

Contact us to strengthen your eCommerce system and begin rolling sales!

Dynamics 365 Field Management
