Payroll Solution

Imagine a smooth month at work until it is salary day, and it leaves you confused because there is a deduction for no reason. It is an Achilles’ heel situation for anyone who has worked so hard to get their paycheck and spend it as they planned. Payroll errors are common, but they are one of the most frustrating points for an employee. Organizations outsource their payroll processes to professionals just to avoid such cases. However, confining such confidential information to a third party is not a permanent solution, keeping in view the data security and other risks.

Are you also wondering how far these minor payroll errors can lead in terms of consequences? According to World Metrics, 20% of employees encounter some payroll error once in a while and 45% are ready to leave their jobs in case of any such occurrence. If we talk about the cost impact, payroll costs about 1-3% of total business value and payroll errors can cost up to 8% of the total payroll process cost. This brings the attention of stakeholders to find a solution to eliminate the recurring issue because neither losing an employee nor any capital is bearable for any business. An integrated, intelligent, and state-of-the-art module capable of streamlining your payroll is the best approach.

DS Payroll 365 for Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations and Business Central is an ideal HR and payroll solution that can eliminate complexities in your payroll and ensure seamless processing.

This blog delves into the common payroll challenges and errors that administration comes across and how you can eradicate them with DS Payroll 365. Let us explore.

Digging into Some Common Payroll Errors and Mistakes

Usually, manual workflow is associated with an increased risk of errors. However, even machine or systematic errors can cause disruption. Errors or mistakes are inevitable but proper measures can eliminate or reduce them to negligible. This section highlights some of the most common mistakes made in payroll processing and calculation that can lead to employee dissatisfaction.

  • Inaccurate Classification of Employees: Employee classification is pivotal in processing payroll. Based on distinct roles and responsibilities, they might be exempted from extra deductions or get an allowance for their additional roles. If it is not considered properly, the final payroll can have issues that can cause distress for employees who worked hard for the organization.
  • Overlooking Taxation and Updates: Taxes according to federal and local laws are inevitable and mandatory. However, not keeping them updated or overlooking them can result in a tax amount withheld, which can lead to financial strain, discrepancies, or even penalties in case it is not paid.
  • Issues in Benefit Processing: After a certain period of serving an organization, employees are entitled to benefits that increase with time. There are certain benefits like insurance, provident funds, and others that are deducted from an employee’s salary. Miscalculations in payroll can lead to incorrect processing of benefits which results in trouble while administrating benefits.
  • Manual Data Entry: the biggest cause of mistakes and loopholes in payroll processing is the practice of entering data manually. Sometimes your administration might omit an entry or do one entry twice, affecting the hours worked, pay rate, or other compensations based on that data.
  • Error in Overtime Calculation: The negligence in recording or processing overtime of an employee can be a reason for the wrong processing of payroll resulting in underpaying the employee. This lowers the morale and trust of the employees, and it also affects your finances and cash flow as you process the payroll incorrectly.
  • Delay in Payrolls: The errors and omissions in payroll result in the demand for cross-checking the payrolls to ensure there are no mistakes or miscalculations on the organization’s behalf. Payroll processing is time-consuming and will result in failing to process payroll on time, which means payments might be late.

Minimizing Payroll Inefficiencies with DS Payroll 265

Finding out the root cause of disruptions in operations is not enough until you find a way out to eliminate it. For all your payroll-related issues, DS Payroll 365 is an ideal solution as it streamlines your payroll processes, optimizes your time, and resources, and eliminates complexities to provide out-class employee experience and satisfaction. Enlisted below are some of the features that solve your payroll issues.

Payroll Calculations & Processing

Payroll processing and calculation are no longer prone to errors and mistakes with DS Payroll 365 as it says goodbye to manual workflow and automates the entire process. This allows you to customize the formula for your salary processing with tax, benefits, and compensation. It will not only save you time but also minimize the errors in calculating the payrolls.

Salary & Benefits Assignment

The HR and payroll solution includes the employee’s complete data which will include their wages and other compensations. With centralized data and access, the system can retrieve the relevant data from the same platform and allow to administer the wages considering employee classification to provide them seamless experience to enjoy their perks.

Time & Attendance

How much amount will be deposited in your account by the end of month depends upon how many hours and days you worked for your employer. With DS Payroll 365, you can check in, check out, and mark your daily attendance on the application and ensure that none of your hard work time and day get unmarked which will consequently end in the deduction of your salary.

Payroll Reporting

This feature allows you to overview the overall payroll including the wages, deductions, benefits, and taxes. This feature provides the employees’ earnings in addition to the summary of taxes deducted from their periodic paychecks. By the time the payroll process closes, it gives you the information about the deposit made into the employee’s account from the employer to ensure full transparency and visibility.

Statutory Compliance and Company-Specific Tax Calculation

Abiding by federal, local, and industrial regulations and taxes is mandatory for the business to avoid penalty. DS Payroll 365 not only keeps the record of the taxes and laws but also ensures that they are kept up to date and deductions are made in compliance with those regulations.

Harness Automation in Payroll with Dynamics Solution and Technology

It is time to switch off errors and turn on automation, intelligence, and diligence for your business by implementing DS Payroll 365, an end-to-end managed solution that can set aside all your worries regarding errors in payroll and streamline your HR and other administrative processes in a matter of few clicks.

DS Payroll 365 for F&O and BC is a next-generation solution with innovative tools and techniques tailored for your administrative and payroll needs by Dynamics Solution and Technology. Dynamics Solution and Technology is a Gold and Solution Partner of Microsoft that has been helping businesses to transform digitally and embrace ease and perfection in their operations. This payroll solution equips your administration to ensure smooth and seamless payroll processing by mitigating errors and reducing cases of employee dissatisfaction.

If you are still struggling with payroll, book a demo or connect with our experts to implement or tailor payroll solutions according to your needs.
