Are you a customer with Microsoft Dynamics AX implemented
and having trouble with the system, not able to realize the return on the investment in the ERP? Enterprise-class business management systems are never one-size-fits-all solutions. Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations (formerly Microsoft Dynamics AX)
projects may fail for many reasons. The good news is, we’re experienced in dynamics 365 project recovery
What qualifies as ‘Project Recovery’?
Problems arise right from the bidding process, where one partner underbids another with no real hope of implementing successfully for the price quoted. The partner has not understood the complexity in the client’s business, and as a result the client hasn’t set aside enough money in the budget to finish the job.
As soon as the project starts, the partner switches out the project team for junior or less capable staff. Insist on a core team from start to finish.
Rushing straight into the solution design without having a complete understanding of the whole business function. Missed requirements can cause a complete, and costly, redesign.
Implementation contracts are too vague. Ensure clearly stated deliverables and a price for each deliverable. Poorly planned and executed data migration is the single greatest cause of a go-live postponement
If your system is already live….
Maybe your Dynamics AX project is officially “live”, but your team is overwhelmed or the system is just not working the way it should. Do any of the following statements ring true?
You only have one person on the team who knows how to support the system
You have so many third-party add-ons you think no one could possibly navigate them
You have no idea why the system is configured the way it is or why it was customized
You have performance problems
You don’t think you’re following best practices (functional, technical or development)
You’re constantly putting out fires and not following a plan
You have a business process (or processes) that are painful in Dynamics AX
Your partner has told you there is no way you can upgrade (p.s. we can prove that’s not true)
You’ve ended the relationship with your implementing partner
If you can relate to any of the above painful situations, Dynamics Solution is dignified to assist you with Project Recovery
Ready To Transform Your Business?
Empower business innovation and
efficiency using Microsoft Dynamics 365
What does Project Recovery from Dynamics Solution include?
Our Dynamics AX Project Recovery process begins with an assessment, also known as “discovery.” The discovery process results in deliverables outlining how to get your project back on track and live, with a focus on actionable recommendations for your team. including a concise list of the most critical items that should be changed, based on our experience and best practices. The deliverables contain a long-term, high-level plan with an actionable list of the most critical items to act on immediately, and recommended next steps. The assessment and its deliverables ultimately put you in a better position to mitigate business risk and optimize your current or future processes. Each deliverable will include an estimated cost and timeline, so you can prioritize and move ahead with a package or start with the elements of the highest importance.
Why Choose Dynamics Solution
and Technology
Dynamics Solution and Technology is a leading Microsoft partner company delivering customer success centric Microsoft Dynamics 365 solutions in Europe (UK), Gulf (UAE, Saudi Arabia & Bahrain) and Asia (Malaysia, Pakistan, India). We deliver success with Microsoft Dynamics Solution. Our expertise are to make the magic with Microsoft Dynamics 365, Business Central, AX, NAV & CRM. We bring the business insights to your fingertips with Microsoft Power BI and working effectively with Microsoft Power Platform (Power Apps, Power BI, Power Automate and Power Virtual Agents to analyze data, build solutions, automate processes, and create virtual agents.
Certified professionals with 100+ years of collective team experience in Microsoft Dynamics solutions
As a global company we have local presence in the center of across multiple time zones in talent-rich countries.
Our team has deep knowledge of products, industries and solutions that helps us to make solutions which aligns with customer requirements.
We strive to improve team collaboration and incremental delivery of businesses by keeping the processes lean and agile..