
A Complete Overview of E-invoicing Phases in Saudi Arabia

From the start of December 2021, Zakat, Tax and Customs Authority (ZATCA), formerly known as GAZT, has fully implemented Phase 1 of e-invoicing throughout the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). This blog breaks down Saudi Arabia's e-invoicing process…

ZATCA – En massing the Ultimate Convenience via E-Invoicing in KSA

To simplify the whole system related to tax, zakat, and customs by enhancing the legislative transition to eliminate departmental and governance system redundancy, as well as to promote maximum ease for residents, businesses, and enterprises…

ZATCA Approved E-Invoicing (Fatoorah) Rolling Out in KSA

What is E-invoicing (Fatoorah)? E-invoicing is a process that generates electronic invoices to issue and store them electronically. ZATCA - The Zakat, Tax, and Custom Authority is rolling out the first phase of e-invoicing in the KSA, mandating…