
Decoding Payroll Solutions: A Guide to Finding the Right Fit
BlogA settled payroll is the deciding factor for a business’ true success, ensuring the employees are satisfied with the company. It has a direct impact on an organization’s employee retention rate, which is a contributing factor in business…

Empowering Supply Chains: A Journey Beyond Challenges with Business Central
Business Central, Supply Chain ManagementSupply chain is a crucial and volatile element for small and mid-sized businesses. The need to embed supply chains with visibility and agility is imperative and Dynamics 365 Business Central allows them to do so with its exceptional Supply Chain…

Exploring the Marvels of Tell Me Feature in Business Central
BlogAre you a Business Central user and still feel like you have not tapped into its true potential yet? Now that the long-overdue digital transformation of the business world has begun, we are witnessing a seismic shift of focus towards further…

DS Payroll 365: Unlocking the Potential of HR and Payroll Management in the Gulf Region
BlogIn the competitive landscape, businesses are constantly looking for innovative solutions to enhance their operations and visibility. In this regard, HR and Payroll Management require intricate attention, with the convergence of technology, to…

Business Central: How to Become a Part of the Saudi Vision 2030 with Smart Manufacturing?
BlogManufacturing is the core of the global industrial landscape and is an essential factor in pivoting the local economy towards sustained growth. With the manufacturing industry incorporating high-tech processes to reduce cost and maximize efficiency,…

Elevating Business Central Mastery: 6 Essential Pillars to Scale
BlogRunning a small business in today's tech-centric world comes with its own set of challenges. Choosing the right ERP solution can be a game-changer, and Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central stands out as a versatile and powerful tool. As an…

Gartner Magic Quadrant recognized Microsoft as a Leader of Cloud ERP for Product-Centric Enterprises of 2023
BlogGartner has just positioned Microsoft as the leader of their 2023 Magic Quadrant for Cloud ERP for Product-Centric Organizations. It's the third consecutive year Microsoft has won this position, and being a Gold Partner of Microsoft, Dynamics…

Sell Smarter, Not Harder: Supersonic Your Snail’s Pace Sales with Microsoft Business Central
Business CentralAn entrepreneur constantly faces the challenge of boosting their sales and scaling their business. If they are able to reach the targets, they become stuck in keeping track of inventory, processing orders, managing customer data, and making…

5 Common Mistakes Hindering Financial Growth
BlogSmall business owners are often caught in a bundle of activities aimed towards business growth, with very little time or money to assign resources towards monitoring their cash flow. At this stage, there are many chances to derail your business…

2023’s ERP Marvel: Business Central Takes Center Stage
BlogIn contemporary business's dynamic and swiftly evolving terrain, the demands for streamlined operations, agile management, and strategic data utilization have never been more paramount. In this high-velocity landscape, where every decision holds…