Microsoft Dynamics 365 Copilot

Operating a business is hard, but upgrading the existing business processes needs backbreaking. The competition to reach the top is getting rigid, and it’s the tip of the iceberg! Customers are getting brainy day by day and want prompt results. If businesses don’t legitimately do things, they might result in customer attrition.

In today’s fast-paced world, businesses need modern tech stacks or new inventions to help them do their work better. To keep this in mind, Microsoft has just announced Dynamics 365 Copilot. Using Copilot can make your business processes easier for everyone. Microsoft Dynamics 365 Copilot’s future looks vivid, with many sterling things to come.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 is a cloud-based ERP and CRM system that helps businesses improve their sales and customer service processes. Dynamics 365 is a comprehensive suite of services with everything you need to improve your business. It enables you to speak to your customers faster and better, saving you time to focus on your business revenue generation models.

As a result, it alleviates the need to jump between programs by combining all essential sales, marketing, and customer service applications in one single platform. Microsoft Dynamics 365 has shown proven results in facilitating businesses to streamline their processes, manage customer relationships, and enhance business productivity.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Copilot


Your team productivity is important for your business growth. Using manual methods can reduce the customer satisfaction rate, affect your sales & marketing processes, create difficulty in cash flow management, and much more!

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Copilot is the first AI Copilot in both CRM and ERP that can intensify every line of your business. However, it is in its beta version but stable enough to handle your business functions.

This blog will enlighten you on how you can intensify every line of your business with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Copilot. You will learn how Copilot can assist you in automating marketing processes, following up on customers, bringing new products with Business Central, and more!

Automate Sales and Marketing Processes

Every sales team knows that selling things is not a piece of cake, especially when you have a lot of customers to keep track of. And to help you with that, Microsoft integrated AI into Dynamics 365.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Viva sales is a tool that can help you be more productive and effective. It allows you to integrate with email and chat programs like Microsoft Outlook and Teams to give you AI-powered insights and actions based on what you’re doing. For example, it can give you a suggestion to send a message to your customer or remind you to follow up with someone you last talked to a while ago. It can even create schedules and suggest products to sell.

To add more value, Microsoft introduced a new feature in Dynamics 365 named Copilot that can help you save time, be more productive, and focus on what matters: connecting with customers and closing deals. You can use Microsoft Viva as part of Dynamics 365 Sales or as a separate purchase for other CRM systems like Salesforce.

Generate Personalized Customer Response

Recently, Microsoft shared the exciting news that Viva Sales can now have the ability to provide content suggestions to salespeople by analyzing customer emails. This includes responding to an inquiry or fulfilling a proposal with data that is tailored to the recipient. This data can consist of pricing, promotions, and deadlines.

To use this feature, the seller selects the option that best fits their needs. Then, a reply is generated for the seller to review, edit, and send. It enriches the reply with all the detailed customer insights data that can facilitate you to spawn better responses and is available in the CRM system and Microsoft cloud.

Likewise, now you can generate a customizable email to set meeting dates & times with your customer according to your Outlook calendar schedules. In this way, it will become easier for you to compose emails and access sales data without spending hours searching through emails or databases.

Automate customer follow-up with AI

It’s been observed that the sales team spends tens of hours on calls with customers every day. In addition to this, they then spend more time recapping each action item for future follow-ups. Microsoft Dynamics 365 Copilot conversion intelligence facilitates the user by summarising all the action items, key topics, and concerns.

It uses Natural Language Processing (NLP) model capabilities powered by Azure OpenAI Service to automatically summarize the entire conversation and list down recap, saving you hundreds of hours. You can use it to extract notes from Microsoft Teams and other crucial meetings.

Revolutionize the seller experience with Microsoft Viva Sales

Dynamics 365 Customer Service

Maintaining customer loyalty is crucial for success in today’s competitive business world. However, customer service representatives often face complex scenarios to promptly take care of multiple cases, resulting in an alarming customer satisfaction rate. To avoid a poor customer retention rate, representatives need to take advantage of AI capabilities. They can use AI tools to streamline their task and resolve tickets more abruptly.

To fill up this gap, Microsoft has launched Copilot in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service. A suite of advanced AI capabilities designed to accelerate the resolution of customer queries and boost satisfaction rates. Your customer service representative can now get 24/7 assistance in finding the relevant resources and automating time-taking tasks. Additionally, it provides agents with automated case routing, ensuring that each case is directed to the most appropriate agent with the required expertise.

Transform your customer service agents into superagents with Copilot

Why put your customers on hold if you have the option to give an immediate response with just one click? After getting a complete understanding of the given prompt, Copilot allows your agents to draft a professional email with a single click quickly.

It crafts a personalized response that the agent can review and send to the customer, ensuring accuracy and efficiency. Copilot also provides conversational chat support to identify technical customer queries, determine possible resolutions, and sum up responses. With this quality of support, your agents can open more tickets per day and reduce the overall time to resolution, leading to better productivity and customer satisfaction.

Copilot in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service

Real-time Customer Insights and Transparent Marketing

To meet the evolving demands of today’s customers, marketers need to follow a demographic marketing approach to target only one Persona at a time. Marketers were already trying hard to keep it as targeted as possible but facing a bunch of challenges in implementation. But today, with an integration of advanced AI technology, marketers can now leverage the power of next-generation AI to proactively target any audience segment according to the latest trend and buyer needs.

Discover deep customer insights in record time with Microsoft’s natural language feature

To date, marketers are relying on manual approaches (SQL Database queries) to extract their customers’ data and check overall insights. In the case of complex databases, it burns hours and sometimes days to see results. However, with the introduction of Copilot in Dynamics 365 Customer Insights, marketing teams can now directly engage with customer data and gather the latest data that they might have overlooked earlier.

By using natural language prompts and without having expertise in SQL queries, marketers can ask questions to crystal clear the concepts that are stopping them from understanding their customer demographics better.

For example, a marketer can use Copilot to quickly identify customers residing in London, UK, who have bought their silver membership this year. They can utilize this information to create customer segments and support marketing campaigns, enabling marketers to deliver more personalized experiences and drive business results.

Copilot in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Insights

Elevate your marketing content: Craft personalized marketing content with greater speed and precision

In the realm of marketing, creating personalized and relevant content is paramount to success. However, the process of generating fresh ideas and content can be time-consuming, especially when it comes to email marketing. Dynamics 365 Marketing offers a solution to this challenge with its Content Ideas feature, which uses the Azure OpenAI Service to generate unique and relevant text suggestions.

Marketers can generate personalized email content email to target potential buyers by giving five main keywords or points. By using Azure OpenAI Service, Copilot will bring up multiple content suggestions for review. Moreover, marketers can generate new unique content ideas by using existing emails or related text as a reference. In this way, they not only save time but can also create unique and action-oriented content.

Bring Up New Products with Business Central

In the world of e-commerce, convincing the reader to purchase your product can be challenging, especially when it comes to product descriptions. Writing unique and engaging descriptions for dozens or hundreds of similar products can be time-consuming and overwhelming.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Copilot feature leverages cutting-edge AI algorithms to suggest compelling product descriptions for small and medium-sized businesses. It generates the descriptions keeping in mind your prompt, product details like material, size, color, etc., and your brand’s unique messaging style.

To keep it more valuable, it also offers you to customize the result according to your preferred writing style. After final review, you can easily publish your description to the Shopify store, boosting your sales and bringing new products to market faster.

Get Rid of Poor Supply Chain Procedures with Copilot in Microsoft Supply Chain Management

After observing the present supply chain technologies, businesses found that their technologies are not fully capable enough to work well for complex and critical issues. The reason behind this was the manual procedures. Now, after the launch of Artificial Intelligence, businesses can take action by having deep insights and visibility of their current procedures.

In fact, Copilot in Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management and Microsoft Supply Chain Center enables supply chain managers to mark the issues that can cause a poor impact on running supply chain processes. Predictive insights can help users to identify impacted orders across various supply chain components:

  • Materials
  • Inventory
  • Carriers
  • Distribution networks

With the help of Azure OpenAI Service, Copilot turns the above insights into action, enabling supply chain managers to solve problems in real-time. Contextual email outreach enables quick identification of disrupted purchase orders.

Copilot in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management

Supercharge Every line of Your Business with Dynamics Solution and Technology

If you are not using AI for your business, you might struggle to keep up with competitors that are leveraging AI to improve key business metrics. Dynamics Solutions and Technology in integration with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Copilot can provide your business with a range of solutions, enabling you to improve efficiency, reduce costs, solve a range of pain points by automating routine tasks, improving decision-making, enhancing customer experience, optimizing supply chain management, strengthening cybersecurity, and improving customer satisfaction.

So, if you’re looking for a solution that can help you manage every aspect of your business more efficiently, then Microsoft Dynamics 365 is the solution for you.

Dynamics 365 Field Management